
Kód: 272476
290 Kč
Skladem - dodání do 4 dnů

Detailní informace

23 let lásky ke knihám
Žijeme knihami už od roku 2001. Máme přehled a umíme dobře poradit.
Dárek - magazín Knihkupec
Magazín Knihkupec zdarma jako dárek
Ke každé objednávce dostanete od nás magazín Knihkupec
Nezávislé rodinné knihkupectví
Protože nespadáme pod velké řetězce, nabízíme rozmanité knižní srdcovky.
Unikátní výběr
Přes 45 tisíc knih včetně novinek i starších a nekomerčních pokladů.

Detailní popis produktu

Formed in a time of great unrest in ancient China, The Analects is vital to an understanding of Chinese history and thought, and, 2,500 years on, it remains startlingly relevant to contemporary life. Complete and unabridged. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, cloth-bound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. Highly regarded for the poetic fluency he brings to his award-winning work, David Hinton's translation is inviting and immensely readable. Confucius, the ‘great sage' of China, believed that an ideal society is based on humanity, benevolence and goodness. His profoundly influential philosophy is encapsulated in The Analects, a collection of sayings which were written down by his followers. Confucius advocates an ethical social order, woven together by selfless and supportive relationships between friends, families and communities. He taught that living by a moral code based on education, ritual, respect and integrity will bring peace to human society.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Publicistika
Autor: Konfucius Konfucius
EAN: 9781529080100
Jazyk: eng
Počet stránek: 193
Druh produktu: kniha, vázaná vazba
Rok vydání: 2023

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